At The Kassia Academy all children are valued equally and from the point of referral, a focus is placed on their strengths, whilst supporting their special educational needs, in order to provide the most effective and appropriate educational environment.
At The Kassia academy we have four centres: Willows, Sycamore, Oaks and Redwood. Each centre provides personalised provision designed to enable reintegration into mainstream education via specialist social/emotional support or if a learner is unable to return to a mainstream setting, we will support them in identifying a qualification pathway within our school or another specialist setting, including post 16 opportunities.
Parents cannot apply directly to The Kassia Academy. Professionals complete a referral form and these are submitted to a panel who meet fortnightly to consider placements.
The Kassia Academy has close links with dual schools both within Warrington and out of borough and with external agencies to provide multi-agency responses, as well as connections with post 16 training agencies and local colleges.
All pupils are fully assessed on entry and interventions are put in place which are relevant to their individual needs. These include pastoral, academic and specialist interventions. We work closely with external agencies including Speech and Language, CAMHs and the Educational Psychology Service to ensure that these interventions are learner centred, personalised programmes that are reviewed and monitored regularly and adapted as needs change. For KS4 pupils, further assessments will be completed and relevant access arrangements will be put in place to ensure pupils have the support needed during examinations.
All staff have completed and continue to receive ongoing training in special needs and disabilities and in delivering relevant interventions. Our fully qualified Special Needs Co-Ordinator provides advice and guidance to staff and pupils.
Social skills and nurture groups are a fundamental part of our offer, supporting leaners to develop vital independent life skills and guiding them through difficult situations; building confidence, self-esteem and security.
As support for our children is highly personalised and adaptable and we seek to support our learners in reaching their full potential, it is often better to discuss your child’s needs individually so please do not hesitate to contact the school SENDCO, Jo Taylor using the main school number 01925 452010, or by emailing:
At The Kassia Academy, our pupils may demonstrate challenging behaviours on occasions and staff are prepared for this. We work hard to keep everyone feeling safe in a calm and purposeful environment.
For more information on Behaviour Support, please click here.