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The purpose of Assessment, at The Kassia Academy, is to inform and guide learner’s future development based on what they have learnt and what they will go on to learn in the hope of giving them the confidence, freedom and creativity in future deliberations.  
In the words of Albert Einstein:
             “Logic will get you from A to B; imagination will take you everywhere.”

Formative and summative assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning at The Kassia Academy and ensures that all learners can achieve their potential by developing the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to lead positive and successful lives in the future.

Learners are entitled to regular feedback that acknowledges their efforts, clearly shows them how they can make progress and enables them to become self-regulating. Staff are entitled to a reasonable workload that makes marking loads manageable yet facilitates effective assessment.

The provision of effective marking and feedback to learners is one of the key factors in improving learning through assessment. The learners’ need to: understand the purpose of the learning; how to make improvements and be given specific opportunity to respond to marking and feedback.

At The Kassia Academy learners are continually assessed throughout their studies with three formal assessment and data capture points per year: Autumn, Spring and Summer.

To communicate this information Progress Review Days are held 3 times per year. These meetings serve as an opportunity to discuss your child's progress with their teacher, Kassia staff and their dual school (if appropriate).


Point in Time Assessment (PITA)

Assessment at Key Stage 3 and 4 will be based on teacher’s professional judgements measuring pupil achievement against their end of year targets.

This will be referred to as Point In Time Assessments (PITA’s). The PITA’s collected each term will be: -

AT – Above Target

OT – On Target

NT – Near Target

BT – Below Target


Writing for Marking

Writing for Marking will be visible in all books across the curriculum. Staff at Kassia Academy and Support Services mark for literacy using the following feedback code:
