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The Kassia Academy is committed to creating a teaching and learning environment where the learning, social, emotional, mental health and SEND needs of its learners are met and where learners are given the support they need to enable them to achieve in an atmosphere of safety
and mutual respect.

Kassia is a place where young people can learn through supportive interaction, experience and success.

We provide a safe environment for both learners and staff so that the emphasis can be placed upon growing, learning and fulfilling the potential that exists. We are committed to removing barriers to participation and achievement. By removing barriers to learning, we aim to support transfer back into mainstream secondary education or specialist provision, post 16 education or the world of employment.

Our aim is to create a secure and inspiring environment where each pupil is supported to enable them to take ownership of their lives, their learning and their decisions. The development of the learner’s personal integrity, self-respect and citizenship is central to all work.

Our vision is to give our learners a sense of belonging and for them to feel valued ‘H.E.R.E’ at The Kassia Academy.

As such our core values of High Standards, Empathy, Resilience and Emotional Response are at the heart of everything we do.

Expectations at Kassia are high and everyone is expected to behave in an appropriate and reasonable way, to follow school
guidelines, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same.


Learners are graded for their behaviour throughout the day. Each lesson, learners receive a grade using our behaviour grading criteria below. These are then averaged out at the end of the day for their overall daily grade, these are then sent to parents via a text message. If a learner receives an overall daily grade D, then an agreed action/ intervention will take place for the following day and parents/carers will receive a phone call to update them.  Alternatively, if a pupil receives an overall daily grade A, then parents/carers will receive a positive text or phone call. 


Here is an example of the grading structure used during debriefs.


Name  Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Overall average Notes: additional information
Learner A A D C A A B B  
Learner B B B A A A A A  


Daily grading system: 

Lesson  Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D
Behaviour Grade

I have completed all work to a good standard.

I have made a good attempt to use positive language all lesson.

I have supported my classmates.

I have used my initiative within my learning.

I have worked without persistent instruction.

I have attempted higher level work relevant to me.

I have been respectful towards other cultures.

I have put my best effort into my work.

I have followed instructions.

I have really tried to monitor my language.

I have been mindful and respectful at break and lunch time.

I have engaged in most of the lesson.

I have completed most/ all of my work but not tried my best.

I have been relatively polite to both staff and students.

I have made some attempt to monitor my language.

I have remained in the classroom for most of my lesson.

I have made an attempt to monitor my behaviour at break and dinner time.

I have completed minimal work with minimal effort.

I have used disrespectful language towards staff – single incident.

I have refused to engage without disruption.

I have continued to make poor language choices.

I am stood at the gate and late for form.

I refuse to wear uniform (provided or otherwise).

I refuse to attend my lesson.

I am verbally aggressive towards staff.

I have refused to complete any work.

I have been unkind to other students.

I have broken a non- negotiable

I have used offensive language.

I have refused to follow instruction at break and lunch time.

Climbing on the roof

I have been caught vaping on site

Non negotiable:


·         Consumption or possession of illegal substances

·         Physical or verbal threats towards staff or students

·         Physical harm towards staff or students

·         Refusal to hand in belongings

·         Stealing staff or student’s personal possessions (theft)

·         Absconding from the premises for an extended time

·         Causing considerable damage

·         Climbing on the roof

·         Vaping on site and refusing to hand in

·         Refusing to wear a uniform and carrying out a 1-1 if offered.


Breaking a Non Negotiable will result in a meeting with SLT and a potential parent/carer meeting and possible wave 3 and wave 4 sanctions.


Daily Weekly Half Termly Termly 

Tokens – Tuck shop

Positive text home

Positive log on Behaviour Watch

Positive phone calls

H.E.R.E Award

Positive phone call home

Rewards Afternoon

End of half term trip

End of term trip (full day out)

Headteachers Award


Daily rewards: 

Here is an example of the grading structure used during debriefs.


Name Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Overall average Notes: additional information 
Learner A A D C A A B B  
Learner B B B A A A A A  

The aim of tuck shop tokens is to recognise and celebrate the day-to-day successes our learners have achieved. For many of our learners, education has previously been a negative experience and at Kassia, we aim to change this mindset and celebrate as many successes as possible, however big or small!

Tuck shop tokens are received if the pupil receives an overall daily grade of an A. These can then be cashed in at our tuck shop for snacks or saved up for bigger prizes over a period of time.

H.E.R.E. Award (weekly reward)

The aim of the H.E.R.E award is to encourage all of our learners to consistently demonstrate the schools core values of High Standards, Empathy, Resilience and Emotional Response.

These are celebrated for those pupils who have demonstrated these the most during the weekly assembly. For any learner who receives our H.E.R.E award will also receive a Golden Ticket which equals 10 tokens that can be used in the tuck shop.

High Standards Empathy Resilience  Emotional Response 

I consistently complete my work; attempting higher level were appropriate.

I consistently wear the correct uniform.

I follow instructions when initially asked.

I have continuously monitored my language.

I have consistently tried my best both in class and with pastoral staff.

I can understand the thoughts and feelings of another.

I can consider others in regards to race and religion.

I am mindful of my actions around other students.

I choose appropriate language when discussing a sensitive topic.

I have demonstrated kindness in the community.

 I continue with a task even when I find it difficult.

Despite any ongoing issues, I still attend school.

I have asked for help or support when I do not understand something.

I will attempt to complete tasks that are outside of my comfort zone.

I have made a good attempt at building positive relationships.

I make an attempt to regulate my anger when faced with a difficult situation.

I utilise strategies that help support my learning or wellbeing.

I can take responsibility for my actions.

I reflect on my actions and show willingness to improve.

I consider my actions before I react.

Half termly reward trips

All learners at The Kassia Academy have the opportunity to work towards our reward trips. Staff average out the learners daily grades over the week and give them an overall weekly grade. Each weekly grade equates to points i.e. A = 3 points, B = 2 points, C = 1 point, D = 0 points. It is agreed at the start of each half term what the points boundary will be to make the reward trip.

(Previous trips have included Alton Towers, Laser Tag)


Headteachers Award


The aim of the Headteachers award is to recognise a learner who has excelled the most during the term; this could be for outstanding work, improved behaviour or for overcoming a previous barrier.

Each term, one learner from each unit is nominated by centre staff for the Headteachers award; this consists of a certificate and an afternoon with the Headteacher and a member of the pastoral team carrying out an activity of their choice.


Learners are given a range of sanctions and rewards in line with their behaviour conduct as outlined below. Sanctions and rewards ladders are displayed around school and are revisited regularly during active tutorial time. A grade log is used daily to log behaviour grades, set targets and record behaviour and achievements.


Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 4

Verbal warning

Behaviour grade affected

Loss of privilege

Removal from lesson by Teaching Assistant – short time out opportunity to return

 Lost learning 15 minutes (at teacher’s discretion) - 30 minutes for the following day if not completed.

Phone call to parent/carer at the end of the school day

Removal by Learning Mentor/TA

1:1 learning for lesson/morning with Learning Mentor/TA

Parent/ Carer meeting with form tutor

Parent/ Carer Meeting with SLT

Multi-agency/ Dual school meeting

TATS programme

Fixed Term Exclusion

Action plan created & signed by parents/ carers

Our guidance around lost learning

(Lost learning is to be used at the teachers discretion)

Day 1: learner is made aware they will be completing 15 minutes lost learning after school (No permission needed from parents/carers).

Staff to discuss the days behaviours with learner' and see if there are any underlying issues which have led to these behaviours. Does an intervention need to be put in for the following day etc – learning mentor is involved in this conversation. Learner will also be made aware that if this behaviour continues then they will potentially be kept for 30 minutes the following day.

Following this conversation, a phone call is then made to parents/carers to discuss the days behaviours and that if they continue then their child will be kept for 30 minutes the following day (with parent/carer permission). Inform parents/carers a text will be sent if their child is being kept the next day.

Day 2: behaviour continues - text is sent home and learner is kept for 30 minutes lost learning

Day 3: If behaviours continue, follow steps 3 and 4 on the wave system