The curriculum at The Kassia Academy has been carefully selected to re-engage learners with their education whilst providing them with the currency and skills they need to be successful post 16.
Students at The Kassia Academy access a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum. Our curriculum intent is to ensure that our students are well prepared for adulthood and are set up to achieve personal success in their chosen pathways. We aim to equip them with the knowledge they need to achieve their best possible outcomes. We recognise the importance of supporting the retention of information from one lesson to the next and building progressively and cumulatively on key knowledge and skills. We hold high expectations of, and for our students and work to instill in them, a commitment to continued learning.
Our students can expect equal opportunities through our educational provision, high quality teaching and learning, a broad range of subjects and support to develop positive mental health and well-being. At The Kassia Academy, students are able to access a range of additional alternative provision, which is tailored to meet needs in a timely way. We continually prepare students to contribute positively to society and we also teach them how to keep themselves safe and build resilience. It is important they know how to seek support and how to maintain positive connections with others.
At The Kassia Academy, we believe in making the curriculum work for each individual child instead of a child having a curriculum that does not work for them. As such, we treat each pupil as an individual and do whatever it takes to help them succeed.
This begins with a carefully planned integration programme in which we take the time to get to know each pupil before they arrive at The Kassia Academy. Through meetings with their mainstream teachers as well as a one-on-one pupil interview with our learning mentors, we are able to paint a detailed portrait of each pupil and develop the relevant intervention strategies. We invite specialist programmes in to help educate and protect our children in the community e.g. The J.J Effect and The Cells Project.
In our school, we offer a broad range of national curriculum subjects including GCSE’s and recognised equivalents, entry level certificates, and vocational qualifications such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
In KS3 we deliver our learning in foundation subjects using project based learning, which runs congruously with the English topic, this gives the learners the opportunity to have rich language threads and golden learning opportunities, as learning theme is immersed across the topic. As part of our therapeutic offer we have learning opportunities with our therapy dog Henry.
It is important to us that our learners have the opportunity to leave school with a range of qualifications as currency to enable them to access courses at post 16. All qualifications are delivered in small, nurturing groups with personalised learning from specialist teachers and teaching assistant support for all. Alongside these we provide a broad range of extra-curricular activities via our Outdoor Learning.
Our aim is to provide support and encouragement to all our learners enabling them to have a positive approach to life and gain the following skills to become determined, lifelong learners and successful citizens. We approach this through our four core values;
H - High Standards E - Empathy R - Resilience E - Emotional Response
For more information, please see our Programme of Education Intent 24/25, on the left side bar of this page. Alternatively, you can contact Mr. Karl Hanna, Head of School, if you require any more information regarding the curriculum: